KCIC Classes and Meetings
KCIC Annual Membership Meeting - April 4, 2018 at 6 p.m.
Please join us for the annual meeting of our members at our April Culture Night. Members on the membership rolls for at least 30 days prior to the meeting are entitled to cast a vote in the elections for Board of Directors and the proposed bylaws changes. Please sign up for membership or renew by March 5th. Membership applications are available at the Center or under the Membership tab of this website. You may pay your dues at the center or online.
We currently have four (4) Board positions with terms expiring this year. Three (3) incumbents are seeking another term. We also have two Board positions with a partial term (expiring 4/19) due to unfilled vacancies. If you are interested in serving your community, please consider applying for a position on the Board of Directors by completing the Board Application Packet at the link below and emailing it to aflanagan@kcindiancenter.org, or by mail to KCIC.
Board Application Packet
The membership will also be voting on the following proposed changes to the Bylaws:
Proposed bylaws changes
Native American Ministries services are held at KCIC on Sundays at 3:00 P.M. Please come to the door on the East side of the building for entrance. For more information, please contact Rev. Jami Moss at 816-245-5495 .
Please go to the Calendar tab for additonal Events and meetings.